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The following is an example of how to play a WAV file in Adobe's SVG plug-in. Please note that you can also play MP3 files with their plug-in.

In contast, to the other examples in SVG Basics, I have included the <svg> element in the code below. I felt this was necessary since you must declare a new namespace to use the plug-in's sound capabilites.

<svg xmlns:a="http://www.adobe.com/svg10-extensions" a:timeline="independent">
    <a:audio xlink:href="ding.wav" begin="0s" />

The begin attribute can be used to initiate a sound using events. For instance, the following example will cause a sound to play when the circle is clicked.

<svg xmlns:a="http://www.adobe.com/svg10-extensions" a:timeline="independent">
    <a:audio xlink:href="ding.wav" begin="play.click" />
    <circle id="play" cx="25" cy="25" r="10" fill="red"/>